News Feed Forums Berries Vineyard postharvest fertilization Reply To: Vineyard postharvest fertilization

  • Stefan Gernert

    September 17, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    I would transition, starting with the lowest hanging fruit first.
    Hopefully we will have access to high quality AEA advice and solutions in the future, until then we need to work with what we have.

    What is a low hanging fruit?
    Do you integrate functional diverse cover crops in your rows?
    Do you buffer Nitrogen?
    Do you have programs to increase use efficiencies of spray applications?
    Do you work with bio-stimulants at all?

    Do you have data of plant nutrient needs over time? Can you see patterns to design application models based on that?
    Do you do sap analysis to manage plant health via the plant-health-pyramid concept?