Plant Health Pyramid

How healthy plants resist insects and diseases when they have balanced nutrition

Regen Ag Academy · October 16, 2020
+803 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 9 Quizzes


I learned more here than at school!
John has the ability to explain complex content very clear. It’s easy to understand, very good to apply and it makes a lot of sense! I’m looking forward to all the upcoming courses. It’s so much more useful than what I learned in school! Thanks for all your work.
Lennart Claassen
Easy to understand information.
The course was filled with great, easy to understand information, which helps gives a foundation to the plant health pyramid and how minerals, the microbiome, and metabolic pathways lead to a healthy disease suppressive crop. I highly recommend.
George Pate
This is 1 happy soil-plant-microbe nerd!
Taking this course has deepened my knowledge of what a truly healthy plant is and how it ties into the greater ecosystem, as well as animal and human health. This is one happy soil-plant-microbe nerd! I recommend this course to anyone who wants to remove uncertainty and boost your confidence in working with plants and growing healthy food.
Jessica Smith
John definitely has a gift.
I can say from personal experience that, as an agronomist, I have thoroughly benefited from attending many of Johns regenerative agriculture seminars and webinars. John definitely has a gift when it comes to teaching agriscience and is able to bring many different complex facets of agronomy together in an clear manner that even a novice can grasp and then begin to apply in any agricultural system.
Trent Graybill
The most comprehensive actionable course
The Regenerative Agriculture Academy is the most comprehensive actionable course in cutting-edge regenerative agriculture (including regenerating farm profit) available that you won’t have to “unlearn” in just a few years as the science evolves.
Greg Pennyroyal
So full of useful information!
I’m about to go back and listen to the whole thing again. My knowledge about what plants need to grow to be entirely healthy and resistant to all insects and diseases has grown tenfold listening to this course. I had to go really slow because my understanding of biology and chemistry could use a boost but this was so well explained that with a little rewinding I totally understood it. Thank you!
Jessica Baron
I liked the format of short lectures
Very clear presentation of important concepts. I liked the format of short lectures followed by quizzes I learned a lot, and look forward to more courses!
Dorothea Sotiros
A must for all farmers
Amazing detailed explanation on the roles of nutrition and higher PSM and their effects on insect and disease resistance. A must for all farmers. Thank you John.
Rajesh Toshniwal