News Feed Forums Regenerative Agriculture Effectiveness of aphid predators in vegetable production systems Reply To: Effectiveness of aphid predators in vegetable production systems

  • Dimitri Tsitos

    May 27, 2021 at 11:44 pm

    Thanks for the feedback. Did you measure sap pH on the spot using a tool such as Laquatwin or where you looking at the pH based on sap analysis that is sent to a lab?

    The problem in my opinion is that we need tools to evaluate the health of the plant as early as possible. When working on diversified small farms, this is not always possible to do on a regular basis with a rather expensive sap analysis. I use sap analysis on my farm but I am looking for tools that can give an early indication that something needs to be fixed in the nutrient – microbiology – soil – plant health matrix.

    Potentially sap brix and pH could be those tools, but again I need to delve deeper to find out if the problems they could help perceive are 1. reliable enough for management decisions (of course they won’t be as much as a sap analysis) and 2. show problematic metrics ahead of visual signs (reliable but slow)