News Feed Forums Regenerative Agriculture Effectiveness of aphid predators in vegetable production systems Reply To: Effectiveness of aphid predators in vegetable production systems

  • Tom Zogas

    May 31, 2021 at 7:46 am

    Yeah sort of – just that I tried to get the first application on as the first seeds were emerging so it was more of a soil drench. I put on a foliar 5/7 days later, and again when I got around to it – probably not timely. I was successful with two seedings, arugula and salad turnips – no row cover, very hot spring temps, but very little flea beetle damage.

    The curative application did seem to decrease the flea beetle damage, but they’re already so smashed. I could try another application, but I’m just going to replant. I should have gotten it on way sooner.

    It’s a problem with the market garden context (in my opinion)- too much complexity to manage everything with intention.