News Feed Forums Fruit and Nuts Couch grass suppression in Mediterranean climate organic orchard Reply To: Couch grass suppression in Mediterranean climate organic orchard

  • Dimitri Tsitos

    September 17, 2021 at 1:22 pm

    I’m curious what climate and area you farm in?

    Digging it out by hand would just be too much work for us. I walked around the land today and I would say that 5% of trees are affected.

    I haven’t listened to the episode with Klaas. Will do now. Continuing from your idea, potentially tilling the soil in July could weaken the couch grass further – ready for an October / November sowing of winter cover crops.

    If I see the couch grass is still in the soil holding up, I could till in the winter cover and go for a summer one but here I am still compromising. Sometimes you wish you could spray a bit of glyphosate haha