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  • Harriet Mella

    September 22, 2021 at 2:03 am

    Hi Daniele!

    I have seen that the sowing date can initiate the same conditions, but usually, if the environment does not live up to the expectation the plants abort the structures. Maybe the nursery accidentally picked a day close to full moon or a fruit trigon or the seeds were harvested at a fitting constellation. I have also seen a single or double foliar changing the course of the season, if the soil has the reserves. I once did a single foliar in a greenhouse that was not mine on juvenile tomatoes and they said that they never saw such a harvest – they counted 26 tomatos in one row of a cluster. Sometimes you hit a critical switch in development with better nutrition and this is sufficient. Especially in early stages it can make a critical difference.

    I think that we somehow generate a pattern that reflects in structure. I have come from a strictly “biomechanistic” education, but learning that sound, weak forces, minerals and all these things interact – and even these crazy homeopathic dilutions, the only explanation to integrate all (that I am currently aware of) is that all life is one resonant interfering pattern. Look at cymatics how you can create shapes with resonance effects. Fantastic. I believe, but this is just a belief, no proof available, that morphogenesis of the plant will be caused by these resonance effects. The genetic/biochemistry-only explanations feel like a sock that is stretched too large – very thin und somehow unsatisfactory. So if you help the structure to resonate better or different, you will get a very different result with a small switch. But again, this is just my idea.

    Intention is a dangerous weapon if misguided for the “I want”. Things over time will become fragile out of pride or greed (or even curiosity)… Now, for us a corn with 6 cobs sounds like magic and you receive this in gratitude and awe – I hope. If greedy, you want immediately 12 and you begin to mentally “cycle” on your goal, and insist that you want – and you do not care about side effects. You have your mind set on a single goal with a small focus. This will invariable lead to a greater instability later along the line. Things have the tendency to self correct, either you accept the small circle, or you are hit worse later in the bigger circle.

    E.g. potatoes that you repeatedly and only propagate at root days become weak plants over time. Harvesting at root days is fine as they store well, but if you exaggerate, not so fine.

    If you make a mistake and you understand what you did wrong, it may be OK to use a quick fix (the weed pepper, the occasional combat tool) and you get away with that, but if you build a system on it, it can not work long term.

    The problem is that we tend to exaggerate one thing once we understood the principle and forget the whole (all living beings and the structure and the multitude of approaches and perspectives) in favor of a restricted view. If we manage to keep in mind that we are part of a system and life and try to take care (it will always be a struggle for compromise) of life in abundance and diversity in our decisions, things usually begin to stabilize. E.g. I did fancy heirlooms and I thought that they are the one hit solution to all problems. But they didn’t perform here. Too dense a soil. Wrong nutrient profile. I had to understand soil functioning and microbes on top. But at first I insisted to solve the problem stubbornly with large scale variety screenings and I lost a couple of years with that. The solution was, that the resistant varieties did not taste well, but the others did, so I wanted to know how to grow the better ones and the journey continued.

    Same with foliars. They will solve some problems, but if you become rigid on the topic and you want to solve all problems with foliars, you create imbalances. You lost focus then – you did not want to serve life best, but to be smart and you refuse to develop.

    On this basis, you can begin to experiment and work with wishes. Very often the true wish is hidden of our awareness. Wishing and wanting go opposite ways. You want intentionally to be successful and even struggle with daily visualisations of a huge crop to market for that, but you are exhausted and in fact you wish for relaxation – what should your system make of that? Usually the result is instability and fragility in one way or the other.

    Ever seen the most crooked transplant regain happiness in the hands of a person with a “green thumb”? Of course they know what they do, and a main secret is to perform small adjustments at the right time, but to be able to do so, you need the intention to connect. To be in union. Then sometimes you can do totally whacky things on the spur of the moment viewn from traditional perspectives and you get away with it.

    A true wish as I define it here (which I maybe should not do) feels like openness, interest. A small shift in focus. Not to be ahead in time, not to stick to thought or memory. My experience is, that these very subtle changes have a huge effect. It feels like an invitation, not like an imperative. Do I farm in fear of failure or do I farm in fear of failing perfection or do I farm in cooperation with my buddies and I know I can rely on them and they won’t let me down, even in 6 weeks of downpour?

    Nobody likes to be forced, but to invited. If your invitation hits a possibility, things will react.

    One silly story is that I was missing the sweet flavor in pumpkins that I had liked so much in my year in Australia. So again I began screeing the varieties available here (it was at that stage). And I thought when I was sowing them – I will throw out all these that will taste bland. Hugh! I gave some transplants to my neighbor. In fall he adressed me and he said – I don’t know what is wrong this year, those pumpkins – they only taste sweet.

    Sometimes I see what I have unintentionally invited and the causal correctness of the reactions in the beings around and it makes me laugh so much, even if it looks pretty undesirable. Sometimes it still makes me really angry to have produced unnecessary self inflicted effort and pain. Sometimes I see that I am totally out of control and caught in larger patterns. Self-awareness is a tricky thing. I am not the one to speak about achievement, I can only talk about the small daily steps.

    You often see in experienced old gardeners that they become very strict on some principles and on the others “very easy”. It almost looks like neglect and lazyness. Oh, I just throw this here and it just works. This is intention guiding the event along a habit/experience. If you watch this, try to absorb the feeling of the situation. The trust (whitout any doubt) and the connectedness. This is often just as important as the “method”. And please understand me well: the method matters. I am not one of those that says intention is all. For a good repeated result it is needed that intention and action are aligned well.

    If you listen to Master Cho, you may be annoyed by the low instruction speed. But what he does is to work a lot with the intention. He takes you into the desire to raise nutritious food, to install a picture of a plant that works similiar to human processes. You will not be able to mistreat an organism that you have paralleled to your own functions easily. That is building an intention. To treat the world well. And by the way: I do not know one single person, that will not have occasional lazyness, exhaustion, indifference or even cruelty come along and bother them now and then. We are all humans…

    THE END – I prefer to return to more tangible things 😉

    Best H