News Feed Forums Fruit and Nuts Do you know of an established apple orchard grown on their own roots? Reply To: Do you know of an established apple orchard grown on their own roots?

  • Jaclyn Mommen

    April 3, 2022 at 7:51 pm

    Good Evening John,

    Interestingly, I was looking for a post on this very subject! I know I mentioned I was starting a vineyard in Virginia and toyed with the idea of only having own rooted vines – as in a regenerative system, root pathogens and pests shouldn’t be such an issue that they would wipe out a crop? That being said, I’m undecided and was planning to plant each varietal half on rootstock and half own rooted. I would be curious about anyone’s experience on own rooted vines (especially vinifera – as I am increasingly uncertain about hybrid varieties given the infinite unknown side effects of their altered genetics).

    Thanks! Jaclyn