News Feed Forums Soil Health Gaps in the literature! What topic(s) would you like to see explored more? Reply To: Gaps in the literature! What topic(s) would you like to see explored more?

  • Kim Gibson

    January 23, 2023 at 4:52 pm

    I’ve recently become aware of the negative health effects of Oxylates from many foods. There are comprehensive lists of Oxylate content of various foods. Unlike phytic acid, lectins, and other anti-

    nutrients in food, Oxylates apparently are not neutralized by seed soaking, sprouting, etc. My question is:

    What differences could there be between Oxylate levels in conventionally grown foods ( which are

    measured and reported in the lists ), and fully developed nutritionally dense foods grown on healthy

    soil enhanced with Regenerative Ag?

    My understanding is that phytic acids, lectins, oxylates etc. may be created by the plant in order to

    discourage consumption and digestion by predators. Is it possible that these compounds only occur in

    unhealthy plants, and are Nature’s way of discouraging humans from eating them – similar to insects and plant diseases performing the role of “Clean-up Crew”?

    Because there is a low percentage of truly heathy food being grown, in my opinion, there may not be much data available on the content of these anti-nutrients in RegenAg plants.