News Feed Forums Vegetables wetting agent / surfactant for Kale foliar spray Reply To: wetting agent / surfactant for Kale foliar spray

  • Tom Zogas

    April 11, 2023 at 7:18 am

    Hey I’m not sure about this, but, maybe fish emulsion? Last night I sprayed a few trays of kale before transplanting. I was in a hurry and dumped some fish and micros in a spray bottle – kind of a lot of fish for a foliar, I just gave it a glug. I noticed that it really coated the leaves and stuck, more than I would have expected. These were still in their cell trays, so not quite the same context, but it seemed like the oily fish emulsion coated the leaves and didn’t bead up. I didn’t add any yucca sticker/spreader. Not sure, just an observation from last night.