News Feed Forums Cover Crops Possible cover crops to use under trees in orchards? Reply To: Possible cover crops to use under trees in orchards?

  • Jaylin Nickel

    December 22, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    For warmer climates (zones 8-11) I think Dichondra repens may be useful as a perennial ground cover in orchards. It’s natural environment includes woodland so I think it most likely makes mycorrhizal association. It only grows a couple inches tall. It wants to take over in lawns here in AZ and especially under trees. Some people would call it a weed and others make lawns out of it. I don’t have experience with it other than as a weed in ryegrass lawns of customers. But I intend to try it as a living mulch in our home garden and around some roses and trees in landscape settings.