News Feed Forums Broad Acre Crops Supplying 100% of crops N requiremnts Reply To: Supplying 100% of crops N requiremnts

  • Brad Campbell

    February 2, 2021 at 1:54 am

    yeah Scott chickpeas/lentils/faba bean seed exported. Have played around with undersown clover which has show promise.. not sure about replacing all that nitrogen given the abundance in the air. Hoping to increase free N fixing biology without falling off the production cliff. Currently around 50% of district practice for N roughly.

    Have been on the CMC humified compost bandwagon and toyed with some bone meal but not realistic for the scale. Amino N and light urea rates in most foliars too, still not quite getting over the line.

    Yea N release test would be fantastic, may give a metric to measure but as too how to improve it…. soil depth seems key
