News Feed Forums Regenerative Agriculture Lactic Acid Bacteria Reply To: Lactic Acid Bacteria

  • Wojtek Behnke

    March 6, 2021 at 4:50 am

    Great, thanks. I’m going to harvest it today and measure the quantities too. I’m getting my fathers microscope soon but haven’t been able to meet up due to C19! Once I have it I’ll do again and take a look. The JS’s are about 4 months old now. I didn’t stick to the standard sizes, I made smaller versions which you can see in the JS group as I posted these up. I get a good amount of leachate off them which I have been cycling through my VC’s too. I might design something that automatically combines the two next time. I think most JS’s sit on the ground so people don’t get to harvest the leachate. Mine are raised above a tray and over a bucket but they are mini versions and may not be classed as ‘JS’ by purists! Lots of visual fungal activity in there though.

    I put about 10 worms in each 3 months ago. Not seen them since!