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  • stephen sinnott

    April 5, 2021 at 4:28 pm

    Good access to nova crop will be very useful but you have access to aea products which must be nice.

    Have you done crown thinning in your plantings to manage density during dormancy? It is interesting how low customers expectations are for strawberry flavour, many have never tasted an exceptional strawberry. Do you brix test your fruit at all? I hit 15 last year but that was the variety more then my management skill I think.

    I am planting everbearers at 30cm right now as I don’t feel I have earned the right to space them wider without losing yield.

    170-180 fruit on my main variety would give a yield of over 3kg per plant if they were properly filled, that would really improve the financials for me as all my fruit are in tunnels.