Tag: soil health
Disease suppression of wheat take-all disease
The presence of soil-borne disease infection is not correlated to the presence of an infectious organism, but to the absence of suppressive microbes. Here is…
Spring applied planter solution products influence end of season cover crops
This is a field in Pennsylvania in December 2019. It appears the section on the left has less residue, and possibly more cover crop growth.…
Redox as a driver of soil/plant/microorganism systems
Contemporary mechanistic agriculture has been based largely on the development of genetics and chemistry. The regenerative agriculture systems emphasize the development of biology and biophysics.…
Manage-able data for soil nutrients
Data collection is only useful if you can use it to make management decisions. ‘Manage-able’ data in other words. Soil analysis is still somewhat of…
Bacterial resilience to antibiotics
Antibiotics were first discovered being produced by a soil-borne fungus. We have identified many different antibiotics that are made by plants and fungus, and even…
The bulls-eye of the wrong target
We have become masterful at hitting the bull’s eye of the wrong target. A colleague sent me a recent article1 describing the discovery of a…